Payday 2 - City of Gold Collection
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La City of Gold Collection contient tous les 12 DLC publiés pendant la campagne City of Gold, y compris armes etc.
A l'aide de la clé, vous pourrez télécharger et installer Payday 2 City of Gold Collection gratuitement par l'intermédiaire de Steam.
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Ceci est une clé UE qui peut uniquement être utilisée au sein de l'Europe.
Description du produit
Contenu de la Payday 2: City of Gold Collection
Join the Payday Gang as they cross new waters and triads, traveling from San Francisco’s famous Chinatown to the Pacific Ocean and back again. Earn new friends, enemies and allies and grind the Golden Dagger triad into the dirt where they belong.
The City of Gold Collection contains all 12 DLCs released during the City of Gold campaign, including heists, weapons, outfits, gloves and masks. Any DLC you already own will be discounted from the total cost of this bundle.
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