


Acheter maintenant Insurgency!

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Délai de livraison:5-10 minutes
Region:A l'échelle internationale
PVC € 12,49

€ 5,49

Quantité 1
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€ 5,49

  • Description du produit

    Take to the streets for intense close quarters combat, where a team's survival depends upon securing crucial strongholds and destroying enemy supply in this multiplayer and cooperative Source Engine based experience. The follow-up game to the award-winning Source mod, Insurgency is highly competitive and unforgivingly lethal, striking a balance between one-life gameplay and prolonged action.

    • Over 20 weapons with numerous attachments, no crosshair, and a focus on realistic weapon behavior including a free-aim system and intense suppression effects.
    • 12 multiplayer and cooperative maps that take place in 6 distinctive environments ranging from Iraq to Afghanistan to Somalia.
    • 5 multiplayer game modes supporting up to 32 players, with a focus on territorial control, destroying weapon caches and escorting high value targets.
    • 2 cooperative game modes where you and your friends team up to complete mission-based objectives or defend an outpost against waves of swarming enemy.
    • Squad system built upon role-based player classes, which are customizable and asymmetrical based on what team you are on.
    • Squad-based communication system which includes 3D VOIP, allowing friendly and enemy players within proximity to hear you.
    • Overhead map detailing objective and teammate locations.
    • Accumulate supply to customize and upgrade your gear, affecting your weight, stamina, and movement speed.
    • Simplified HUD and UI for a clean, immersive user experience focused on the action and environments.
    • Highly immersive particle FX and audio to intensify the game experience.
    • Create custom maps and content using the Insurgency SDK and scripting system.
    • Playable on both PC and Mac OSX and supports multiplayer cross-compatibility.
    • Dedicated Server Support for PC and Linux.
  • Configuration requise

    OS: Windows 8 / 7 / Vista / XP 
    Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 / AMD Phenom X3 8750 CPU or better 
    Memory: 4 GB RAM 
    Graphics: at least 512 MB VRAM, DirectX 9 compatible, Pixel Shader 3.0 support
    DirectX: 9.0c 
    Hard Drive: 6 GB available space
